Wednesday, August 8, 2007

the rose and the bell

“Sharin’ horizons that are new to us
Watchin the signs along the way
Talkin it over just the two of us
Workin together day to day, together”

The f_ckin’ Carpenters!

And so it goes, and so it does – a trigger to memories of distant past. The song summoned a ghost that I for so long tried to evade. In the here and now, in the far corner of my mind, came forth pain in all her might.

I have lived so long and yet I never knew how it really was to be alive - until she came. I saw the light in her eyes and it was good.

But as in all good things I came to know, it’s always paired with a downside that it must go. If you cannot name the other, let me introduce you to Sorrow.

I took it anyhow. The days went by like a breeze with a touch of heaven at every turn. And wherever she goes, my eyes did follow. We danced to life and to love and never bothered to dwell in the fact that they were borrowed.

She was not my first nor was she the last, but she showed me what a kiss truly was. I swear that nothing ever tasted that sweet and that painful! There and then, I was both dead and alive.

That time too, I realized that I had to go. She could never be had, she could never be mine. Like the wine that we could never have enough of, it’s within us to refrain from drinking. And as the alcoholics would confirm, withdrawal hurts like hell.

Hell was goodbye. Hell was the absence of her. And, it still is…..

I remember how it was to look in her eyes. And it hits me, as painful now as it was ever. This sweet melancholy stirs within me – aching, moaning and yearning for release.

Why dont you come to your senses
You been out ridin’ fences
For so long now
Oh, youre a hard one
But I know that youve got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow

Could somebody stop the pain? I asked, not for the first time, in vain. When will the hurting stop? The memories came crushing in…

I smell the roses of yesterday. I heard the bells of distant memories.
The f_ckin' carpenters.... the f_ckin' eagles!