Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Own Catch 22

If he listens to the raven and do as he was told, then it means he doesn’t have any idea of what has really happened in the first place. If he doesn’t know what has really happened in the first place, then he is not god. If he is god and doesn’t do as the raven says, he still would not know what has happened in the first place. If he doesn’t know what has happened in the first place, then he is not god.




(Wrote this one way back August 2007 If I remember right)

Don’t turn around, Desiree

Whatever it was that binds us no longer holds

The tie succumbs to the constant stress and bickers of old

I tire too, as we fight endlessly…

But tell me not of the sweet yesterday

They are as unreal to me as the lies we have shared

Such that in the slightest storm that came our way we have surrendered.

There was nothing to hope for anyway.

Don’t look back I beseech you.

Malice maligns us both that only pain beckons us.

Love does not exist in our plane. Not even lust.

Only hate bridges us. The only truth we know.

So what are the colors of the rainbow?

The question is off. Such as we are.

Pandora’s box unleashed leaving only scars.

We swayed and rode with the wind knowing it wouldn’t get us far. And true!

Alas, we caressed in the sun when we were strangers.

Bold lips meeting primal passion. And we dance.

A gyration in the heat of the sun. We took the stance.

We had our fair share.

The moment has passed.

What could have been is best left at that.

Opportunity cost grants us but one option. One time for who, when or what!

Say no more ifs. Hush! Hush!

Go away. Don’t turn my way now, Desiree.

And never look back for both your sake and mine.

Life is so precious and so is time.

Don’t hold back again, Desiree!

“Had reason but stayed awhile

And wisdom not in liquor drowned

All secrets kept and all the lies

In placid tongue wouldn’t have spilled ‘sound.”

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Maligno: Case Study

It started as a doodle, like everything else I've done. Then it just took a life of its own. And so, the Maligno was born.

See the Maligno play its part in the world of Messiah 666 - where the "beast" is yet to come.

Tame the Tikbalang or join the club

What does the Tikbalang mean in the grand scheme of things?


The task is not so much to see what no one yet has seen, but to think what no body yet has thought about that which everyone sees.

(Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788 - 1860)


What if everything you had been taught and everything you had learned about the world and religion are but lies? Your whole way of life and your very life are threatened when reality rears its ugly head and comes at you with such brutal finality. Pushed to the brink and to the very edge of your existence, you have come to realize but one “Truth” in such a vast and complicated deceit. But then, you’ve also realized that the “Truth” could not set you free. Rather, it does the complete opposite and drags you deeper to the pit that salvation would come nowhere near.

Welcome to the world of MESSIAH 666. As prophesied you would know the end of the world is near when a whole bunch of Antichrist grabs the limelight – but not for the reasons you and the rest of humanity have been led to believe. There is only one truth in the vast arrays of lies and it holds true up to the very end.

We call the very end Armageddon - the time when not only man but also gods shall heed the call of battle for the final fight. Gods, lesser gods, mythical beings and men mixed it up in recipe sober minds would call disaster.

And a bloody disaster is what Andrew, Rosabel and the devious Father Paul must evade to make it to the very end. At times hilarious but almost always dangerous, their journey would take you to epic heights. (Yes you – you have as much at stake here as everybody else.) And in their quest, the Truth is waiting where it always was.

As it was in the beginning, so it shall be in the end. But what is that truth?

Reality rears its ugly head in the world of MESSIAH 666.


Abandon hope all ye who enter!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Pacquiao mocks Cotto

(No, the title doesn't do justice to this story. But it's as good an eyecatcher as any!)

Every fiber of your body cries out to bootless heaven. This is one battle you are sure to remember if you ever survive it. Or if your faculties remain intact should you actually pull it off.

The stench of tobacco approximates its distance. Your eyes half shut, a blurred vision is an understated handicap. Slugging it out in the first place sure wasn’t such a bright idea – not when your sparring partner is a 9 foot behemoth 8 times your weight. And you thought Mike Tyson was dumb.

The monster flashes a knowing grin. It puffs the cigar, inhaling the smoke and a full 5 meter radius of air surrounding him. It’s going for the kill and you just happened to be the victim.

“Damn, I couldn’t even say it’s a good day to die.”

End game. Even rising up is a burden. Nevertheless you prop yourself up for one last stand.