Thursday, September 24, 2009




(Wrote this one way back August 2007 If I remember right)

Don’t turn around, Desiree

Whatever it was that binds us no longer holds

The tie succumbs to the constant stress and bickers of old

I tire too, as we fight endlessly…

But tell me not of the sweet yesterday

They are as unreal to me as the lies we have shared

Such that in the slightest storm that came our way we have surrendered.

There was nothing to hope for anyway.

Don’t look back I beseech you.

Malice maligns us both that only pain beckons us.

Love does not exist in our plane. Not even lust.

Only hate bridges us. The only truth we know.

So what are the colors of the rainbow?

The question is off. Such as we are.

Pandora’s box unleashed leaving only scars.

We swayed and rode with the wind knowing it wouldn’t get us far. And true!

Alas, we caressed in the sun when we were strangers.

Bold lips meeting primal passion. And we dance.

A gyration in the heat of the sun. We took the stance.

We had our fair share.

The moment has passed.

What could have been is best left at that.

Opportunity cost grants us but one option. One time for who, when or what!

Say no more ifs. Hush! Hush!

Go away. Don’t turn my way now, Desiree.

And never look back for both your sake and mine.

Life is so precious and so is time.

Don’t hold back again, Desiree!

“Had reason but stayed awhile

And wisdom not in liquor drowned

All secrets kept and all the lies

In placid tongue wouldn’t have spilled ‘sound.”

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