Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Legend is True, It Could Happen to U!


According to Christian mythology, the Holy Grail was the dish, plate, or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, said to possess miraculous powers. In the romances the conception of the Grail varies considerably; its nature is often but vaguely indicated, and, in the case of Chretien de Troyes’ Percival poem, it is left wholly unexplained.

Some of the Grail legend is interwoven with legends of the Holy Chalice. While others combine Christian lore with a Celtic myth of a cauldron endowed with special powers.

The Grail plays a different role everywhere it appears, but in most versions of the legend the hero must prove himself worthy to be in its presence. In the early tales, Percival's immaturity prevents him from fulfilling his destiny when he first encounters the Grail, and he must grow spiritually and mentally before he can locate it again. In later tellings the Grail is a symbol of God's grace, available to all but only fully realized by those who prepare themselves spiritually, like the saintly Galahad.

The word graal, as it is earliest spelled, appears to be an Old French adaptation of the Latin gradalis, meaning a dish brought to the table in different stages of a meal. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, after the cycle of Grail romances was well established, late medieval writers came up with a false etymology for sangréal, an alternative name for "Holy Grail." In Old French, san graal or san gréal means "Holy Grail" and sang réal means "royal blood". Since then, "Sangreal" is sometimes employed to lend a medievalizing air in referring to the Holy Grail.

The man in black must have something to do with the confusion. Scholars and fools alike don’t come near enough to what the Sangreal really meant, and what it does to one destined to possess it. But with all the knowledge he has of the Sangreal, the man who calls himself Father Noah knows it’s useless if he doesn’t get his hands on it.

Countless lives have been wasted and countless more would be sacrificed, but as sure as night follows day he will get his hands on the Holy Grail. He had waited for what seemed to be forever; he could wait awhile longer.

“He’s blood runs through me now, I won’t be denied this time.” Father Noah thus spoke seeming so certain. “No Son of God or Man will stand in my way, especially not you Andrew.”

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